Monday, August 27, 2012


The Anticipation: A new city and a new job in one of the largest cities in the world, with endless possibilities. Mentally I am there. Physically however I am in Portland, Oregon for twice as long as originally planned. Consciously I am trying not to wish this time away because I know there will come a time where I would give anything to just be home. Living abroad is the lifestyle I have chosen but that does not change the fact that I love my home, my country, and the people in my life who love me back. The best part about being home is really getting to spend time with people I care about. The worst is that they have day jobs. With successful visits to Denver and Seattle plus trips to the Oregon Coast and Colombia River Gorge I am managing just fine. After a lot of paperwork and anxiety I am finally on the verge of holding a Korean Visa which comes with a booked flight, paid for apartment, great job, and what might just prove to be some serious fun. This contract is for 17 months and will run through February 2014. I am already planning trips (of course) to China, Japan, and any place else I can hop a cheap flight to for the weekend. Breaks are great and all but a 3.5 month vacation was not originally on the agenda and all that hindsight crap doesn't matter when you are over halfway through and realize it's too late to get a job, phone, or prevent being completely broke. C'est La Vie. We adapt. Regardless of the continent, time period, or point in our lives transitions are confusing. For me it's a balance of appreciation and anticipation. The excitement of being just on the verge of so much change, balanced with sleeping in a trailer, and waiting for people to get off work.